Cloud Server is designed to be mobile. Unlike traditional servers, Cloud Server can be delivered from a location to another with less effort and manpower. You can even save a Cloud Server into a USB device to be ported to an enterprise storage network seamlessly.
Cloning Instead of Reproducing
Cloud Server offers real time migration. The entire server image can be cloned into a new platform within minutes.
Guarantee Business Continuity
Cloud Servers are able to move from one host to another without causing termination or disruption of the operating system. Users access are not interrupted and business continues as normal.
Isolated Feature Prevent Destructive Attack
Cloud Server does not interfere with other Cloud Servers that are located in the same physical server due to the Isolation feature, allowing for other Cloud Servers to be safe from an attack on a specific server.
Go Green Technology
A physical server may contain multiple Cloud Servers, reducing the amount of waste and energy consumption. A little effort in creating a better future for generations to come.
Auto Backup
Full image backup comes as an option for Cloud Server subscribers to help ensure data integrity and security while also eliminating the tedious manual work and human errors.
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